Aaron in Azerbaijan

Just another blog about Azerbaijan.

A Gem from Dr. Fuad

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This is a warning about drinking tea in Azerbaijan.  Dr. Fuad, Peace Corps staff doctor, is a sort of portly middle-aged fellow with, as is required in Azerbaijan, a bushy mustache.  We we’re discussing dental hygiene, and the lack of it in Azerbaijan:

A PCV, at the end of his service, came for his annual dental check-up, and he had 6 cavities.  I asked him why he thought he had so many cavities.  His response was, “I think it’s because of all the sweets and candy and sugar.”

(Dramatic pause)

I think he is right.

Thanks, Dr. Fuad.  He might not be the best storyteller, but he’s got his basic dentistry down.  I’ve already mentioned how my family insists on putting about 5-7 spoonfuls of sugar (Mary Poppins would be proud) in every cup of tea.  Another common practice is to take a sugar cube and hold it in your teeth while you drink the tea.  I’m pretty sure that’s why my host mom sports a full rack (bottom and top) of gold teeth.  And gold teeth are ubiquitous around here.  Mr. T and Li’l Wayne don’t know what bling is.  Bling is in Azerbaijan.

Written by Aaron

November 11, 2009 at 6:13 am

Posted in Uncategorized

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